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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
star oval & stripes 25
stars & stripes 1, 18, 25, 28
sun & stripes 19, 35, 40
super CASIACEM +stripes 2
super COATCEM JP +stripes 2
super POWERLIT +stripes 9
super TOSS +stripes 32
super UJALA +oval & stripes 2
super cab +stripes 39
super-VIEW SVE +stripes 9
superfine footwear +stripes 35
synergy +stripes 35
t +stripes 18
stripes 35, 36, 41
tamra +stripes 6
tap +tap & stripes 11
telecom italia +man stripes 9, 38
three stripes 25
three leaf & stripes 18, 25
tick stripes & circle 35
tlc +arrows stripes & ovals 18
top corn +oval & stripes 30
top crete +stripes 1
tree oval & stripes 16
triangle stripes & arc 35, 36, 37, 38
triangle stripes & circle 38
triangle & stripes 6, 9, 16, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42
triangle arc & stripes 3
triangle arrow & stripes 39
triangle ovals & stripes 9, 16, 35, 36, 42, 45
triangle square & stripes 24
triangles & stripes 6, 24, 25, 28, 41, 42
trouser & stripes 25
tube & stripes 3
u +stars & stripes 42
ul-FATE SUCRALFATE +stripes 5
united LUCKNOW +stripes 36
united television +stripes 9
us dollar store +stripes 12, 28
uttam +stripes 7
v +stripes 3
v +stripes & arches 30
v +stripes & horses 34
v +lamp & stripes 35, 37
v brand +stripes 30
v or stripes 25
vastra (VINOD) +stripes 25
virginia slims +stripes 34
vpr +circles & stripes 34
w WATT +square & stripes 25
wing & stripes 12
woman & stripes 14, 16, 25
woman stars stripes & desig 26, 38
z +stripes 12
z ZENCO +stripes 7
z ZOOMLION +stripes 12
zannat gutkha +stripes 34
APLIX +strips 26
ARMS +strips 16
BRUFUN soap strips +woman 3
BUFIN HERBAL soap strips 3
BUFIN herbal soap strips 3
BUFIN soap strips +woman 3
COLGATE fresh strips 5
DEWFRESH soap strips +oval 3
FREEDOM +strips 6
FUNNY strips +girl 30
KFC crispy strips 30
strips 16
PRIYA hook & bar strips 26
U.S. GIN +strips 33
UTTAM strips 6
PINDI super stroke 4
PRE COLOR +brush strokes 1, 2, 35
LITTLE DETAILS +stroller 35
SUGAR PLUM +stroller 25
FISCHER strollers 25
SNAM stron 6
strong +hammer hand & globe 9
strong +man & snake 34
strong AMAR 3
strong ATLAS 17
strong DICLOVIN plus 5
strong HOLD 19
strong LIFE +arcs & square 7
strong POLY 50 23
strong SAB SE TEZ +leaves 34
strong SULUTONE 5
strong WORLD +globe & stars 1
10000 super strong 32
AGNI TATA real strong +flam 30
AIRPORT super strong beer 32
ALO premium and strong lage 32
AMRUTANJAN maha strong 5
AMUL super strong 16
APC strong 5
ARMSTRONG strong beer 32
ATLAS super strong +man 12
ATLAS super strong beer 32
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